It was a dark and stormy night. Well.. not really. It was warm and clear and we could see Jupiter and Venus as we prepared for a night of pre-teen madness. Most of you know that Sierra can be very persuasive. What was supposed to be trick-0r-treat and then sleepover with four friends turned into 10. How does that happen you wonder? She starts small. " Mom, can some friends come over and trick-or-treat" Ok..that sounds fine. Then a few weeks later. "Can 1 or 2 people spend the night? Hmm well ok I guess we can live with that. Then Sierra reports that she feels bad for leaving some people out and I agree to a few more and then a few more. Oh well.. I'm so glad she has good friends and nice kids to hang out with! It turned out fine and although we are tired everyone had a great time and were on their best behavior. Kudos to Sierra for being a great hostess. We still added another 2 or 3 kids after this picture was taken. I lost count I think........
The evening started with 10 kids all trying to get into the bathroom to assemble their costumes and get as scary as possible. All that preparation and they were done with trick-or-treating after about an hour.
Traditional Sierra and Zayda picture in front of the Great Ghosty Pumpkin. Pirate Duel!
Devin catches up on his reading while waiting for trick-or-treaters. In case you are wondering, that's not some weirdo headpiece for his costume, its a strap-on flashlight. It's a tradition now that we wait outside for the kids to arrive. We enjoy it and its easier with the dogs! He is reading " Who Wrote the New Testament?" Such a scholar our Devin!
Exclusive Video!!! Scarrrrry PezRan House
They capped off the evening with something called Extreme bowling. Basically they turn the lights out and turn up the juke box. I had such fun watching them have an incredible time bowling, running back and forth to the juke box and dancing and singing along to the music. ( No pictures of this since I forgot the camera). I watched bowling and dancing until past midnight while Devin was busy at home trying to find sleeping places for everyone. A little giggling and a few rounds of " Guys! Go to Sleep" were heard, but I think everyone was asleep before 2:00am. This morning they all got dressed up again to make a scary alien movie. I'm looking forward to seeing that!
Night of the living dead? Nope... .. morning after a sleep over for ten. As I write this, there are three girls left and believe it or not it is noisier than it was with all ten. Sigh....
Scary video - with the word "scary" in some form uttered 7 times, which is an average of once every 5 seconds. SCARY. And even scarier is the pic of Shan and Devin - hilarious and...very scary! XOXO
You two look like Shannon and I after Halloween night and then the dance last night. We SOOOO feel your pain! But it sounds like an awesome time was had by all. Kudos to you guys!
I did my traditional turn off all the lights, close the blinds and hide on Halloween. I find that works best for me. Of course I watched both vintage and contemporary "War of the Worlds" back to back. Hat's off to you for dealing with a full house.
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