I met Alex about 7 years ago. He is just one member of a family that Devin introduced me to soon after he and I started dating. They are just about the nicest and most interesting people you'd ever want to meet and I am glad to call them my friends too!
That's Alex on the left, then Shannon ( known as He-Shannon), Kelley and Jared back in 2004. We spent Thanksgiving with them on Cape Cod. We had a blast!
Now Alex is a teenager! Time flies doesn't it? He has always been very creative. Check out this optical illusion he came up with.
I really enjoy his blog full of his art and musings. His work is getting even more interesting as he matures. His most recent work called "Isolation" is just GORGEOUS! Way to go Alex! I still have a signed sketch of the air fairy he drew for us when he visited us a few years ago. Hey..maybe that will be worth something some day! Check out "Isolation" and the rest of his work here: Immortal Lands
Awww, that was incredibly sweet. Thank you for doing that. Man, do we miss you guys TONS! Love you and miss you!
WOW - that is no exaggeration - what talent! I love that he posts it for others to enjoy, he's sharing his passion!
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