Friday, August 8, 2008

Watch Out For The Invasion! (Warning: Dr Who reference quickly ensues)

The company I work for who shall remain nameless (less some inadvertent googling gets me into trouble) has a very senior executive with quite the sense of humor. Every week, a new cartoon appears on his office door. They are usually political, but you can’t really tell what his politics are because he seems to be an equal opportunity “pundit”. It’s amazing because a lot of the cartoons really push the envelope of corporate correctness. The H.R department is only steps away which make one wonder.

This week, I was surprised to see this little gem. I can just hear John Stuart say “ Muaaaahhhhh, where IS my man sized safe?” But then I thought to myself.. perhaps there is some truth here?

Is Dick Cheney really human… or… a Slitheen from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorian.

OK, everyone say that with me:

Nice try......


Shannon said...

Comments, comments we love comments. Come one, come all. Its not that hard! Just click on the "anonymous" radio button and then click "Publish". Leave your name..or not. :)

Autumn said...

I found that absolutely hysterical... and yet completely scary all at the same time. It must be true! We should fear him even more now.

How does your workmate get away with that anyway? I always wanted to do things like that at SRP but, alas, the few times I did I got in trouble.