Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Whats the harm?
So here is a website ( you can go to and see for your self. This guy has hunted down stories about people who have been harmed due to their belief in something. From people who died from their passionate belief in feng shui to people who have been injured due to their blind belief in their GPS. You can spend hours here. There are hundreds of stories about all kinds of stuff. These are not stories about people who were stupid. Just people who really believed in ghosts or some fad cure for something and how it caused some real harm.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A 1968 Electric Guitar Transformed
Since Devin is such a patient and encouraging man, he set out to help Sierra make the guitar cool. Over the last 2 or three weeks they have been working on it requiring several trips to the hardware store and lots of work out on the hot back patio and my tolerance of a mess out there while they worked on it.
Step 3: Sand it down
Step 4: Apply a primer and Spray Paint it black ( One of Sierra's fav colors or colours for y'all in the UK). Luckily, Sierra's old play house was the perfect spot to hang it up to apply paint and not get spray paint all over everything we care about. (although I did notice some black spray paint on the pool deck the other day.... sigh)
Step 6: Make the sliver face plate all shiny while the black paint dries
Step 7: Stencil a music note on the front and her nickname on the back in RED ( her other fav color) SAPY ( Sierra Ashley Perez +Y)
Sunday, August 10, 2008

I am inspired and amused.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
New Guitar
I can just barely play a guitar. I mean, I know a hand full of cords and stuff. I don’t really even know any songs. But I have these 2 guitars. One is an old electric guitar that I got for Christmas when I was 12. The other is an acoustic guitar that I bought in the 80’s.
But anyway, listening to
I have a safe full of guns that I have not shot in a long time and I started checking out some pawn shops, in the hopes of finding something that I liked that the owner would be willing to trade a gun for. So for the last few weeks I have been checking out pawn shops on my lunch break. But nothing there really caught my eye.
Wednesday I went to
So I called a sales guy over and he checks it out. He claims that they both are really $449, but one was just not marked down yet. I played it a while and ended up getting it. The sales guy made it out to be the deal of a life time. But that is his job.
I went on the Ovation Fan Club site and posted my story and it seems like I did get a good deal on it. It is
So here it is, my new guitar. I really like the way it looks and sounds. Maybe someday I will be able to play well enough to do it justice.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Watch Out For The Invasion! (Warning: Dr Who reference quickly ensues)
This week, I was surprised to see this little gem. I can just hear John Stuart say “ Muaaaahhhhh, where IS my man sized safe?” But then I thought to myself.. perhaps there is some truth here?

Saturday, August 2, 2008
A Scary Cabin in the Woods?