You know what I mean. TV is going and three computers are are tuned to different election sites. It's looking like senator Obama will be the next president of the United States of America! Whoo hooooo! Arizona is actually too close to call. I can't believe it. My vote may have actually counted this time. I wish my dad were still alive. He would have loved this whole thing.
Sierra just called to tell me that Obama has 175 electoral votes. She is so excited that Obama will probably win..more because she thinks McCain is just old and weird looking. It's sort of like a sporting event for her. She picked Obama and is excited to see him win.
Former mayor Rudi Juliani is on NBC. Will he say it. Will he.. ? Say ....9/11? Not this time.
Stay tuned for updates throughout the evening. As if anyone is reading this real time. ha ha ha
7:28 PM
Networks still saying Arizona too close to call, but congressman Shadegg says " They are lying" Hmmm I'll be nice I guess and just say " No comment"
They are calling Ohio for Obama. Sierra informs me that Ohio has 20 electoral votes.
Obama hasn't won yet. " The fat lady isn't singing yet, but she's warming up." says a dude talking to Brian Williams on NBC named Tavis Smiley. Who's that guy? NBC calls 200 to 90 electoral votes. Hey..this is more exciting than the Superbowl.
7:55 PM
5 minutes until the Daily Show Special!
The next morning..........
I guess I'm not the greatest blogger in the world. After the Daily Show special ( which wasn't as funny as usual) I lost interest in this blogging thing. I thought McCain's speech was very gracious and as we watched Obama's acceptance speech Devin and I were so grateful to have an intelligent, articulate smart guy for a next president. We were excited to be part of this historic event. This morning we were dismayed to find that our fellow Arizonans voted to pass the so called marriage initiative. Sigh.....