As Devin mentioned we ventured north to
Sedona this past
weeKEND ( as my sister, the amazing
Valnik would say) to catch some fall colors ( or colours for you Brits and Canadians) . We saw
some color..more like a
limish green mixed with brown dead leaves. This time last year I was in Boston experiencing some gorgeous fall colors and good times with my
frister ( friend + sister) so it was a bit

However, we did have a nice time with Devin's mom Dee. This is us having lunch at our favorite haunt the "Hide-a-Way" which has lovely views of trees and red rocks. Beer was involved as you can see. The mug was frosty and the beer was cold. YUM! So much for my healthy salad.
After lunch we wandered through Oak Creek Canyon and stopped at Slide Rock. I've haven't been there in ages and I thought the water was way too cold to swim, but apparently these folks didn't think so. English perhaps?

We hiked a little bit, but sadly Dee wasn't really wearing great hiking footwear. At one point, the shoe slipped off and I had to climb down to rescue it before it drifted away. I was nervous a few times that she would fall and hurt herself, but she stubbornly refused a helping hand. We shouldn't be surprised. Afterall, this is a woman who went sky diving for her 70th birthday.

Here's my Hercules impression.

hiking , we're hiking....
errrr ....is this a trail?

Devin gets an artsy red rock shot.