Tomorrow is my grandmother’s birthday. She was our Nan. She is gone now, but her spirit lives on in my memories, in my genetics and of course in my heart. That indomitable, feisty, never give in spirit. I recently came across some random thoughts I had written down the day I learned that she had passed. They may not be as meaningful to you, but my sister and mother will probably get it! This is a ramble, so bear with me!
Nan word association: beauty, strength, stubborn, determined, full of life, always searching for meaning, unconventional, ahead of her time, adventure, queen of the road.
She was no rocking chair grandma. When I see her in my minds eye, she is wearing a polyester white pants suit; always made up, always in motion. Action Nan. No rocking Chair grandma. No smells of cooking in the air. No Martha Stuart garden and home.
She was a wanderer and car trips with her are my most treasured memories. I loved pulling over and sleeping on the side of the road and waking up as the sun rose. For some reason I remember the smell of that car. It’s hard to describe, but it was a little like the faint odor of carsickness. She had a CB and her handle was " The Big yellow banana" Imagine this tiny woman saying “10-4 good buddy” She let me drive it when I was 12. Yeee haaaa !
Beans and weenies for lunch on the side of the highway and gorgeous scenery must be looked at even if you are so sick you can't lift your head. It seemed that she had a friend or former patient (she was a chiropractor) in each city we drove through. Smelly Ann Martin, Bert and the cigarette burns on his shirt. No matter where we were between Canada and Texas, there was always someone to visit; someone to heal. She inspired my travel dreams with her trips to Africa, Russia, Israel and Panama.

Even in the most perilous situations, she always saw beauty even in 6 feet of snow, and icy roads. “Ohhhhh LOOK at the beautiful mountains”

Searching for meaning brought her too many different ideas; Scientology and the E-meter when I was young, that crazy Thane Walker and finally Oral Roberts. If that’s not a diversity of ideas I don't know what is. Her courage was amazing. She would stand toe to toe with a foe twice her size. I think to the end she believed that her sight and hearing would be healed if she just prayed harder.
“You just let me know if you are saying something I need to hear"
She loved to have us scratch her back with nails or hairbrush. Back rubs! I learned just the right spots from her.
I learned to hate chiropractic adjustments since she always thought I needed one. Run away, run away!
She loved all of us, but you could really say that she just loved period.
That was awesome reading - and each word resonated with me, too. Thanks for taking the time to write this. Lovely Blogging!!!
That was fantastic, Shannon. You are amazing! You certainly captured her and brought back many fond travel memories - nothing like Vienna sausages and Long Horn cheese! Beautifully done. Thank you.
That was very nice Shannon. I got a clear picture of your late grandmother. Thank you for sharing! **hugs**
Yes, Dr. Velma was a great lady. She gave me an adjustment once in Santa Monica. I knew her several years while I was in the Prosperos Fourth Way School. And yes, I knew your dad as well! I love the picture you have of her there. Come over to my blog and clock in. Good to run across you. I was doing research work on Thane Walker. I had to look you up earlier because I had forgotten your name. I had to find it on one of Tim's old emails. Good to see you!
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