A few months ago the Pez Ran clan attended a fund raiser BBQ to help pay for 4 billboards around the city. Sierra was impressed by the pool, if you remember from my earlier post. The billboards are finally up and today the group got together and we had our picture taken in front of the billboard. No one attacked us which is nice. A few people honked although I'm not sure if it was in solidarity or derision. This billboard is on the corner McDowell and 3rd street in case you want to visit. This is just me solo... sporting my autographed " Skeptics Guide to the Universe" t-shirt.
We had yummy Tai food after the picture with our Atheistic Skeptic comrades. I reccomend the coconut curry, but stay away from the Tai ice tea!

This is Matt. He spent over 6 hours last night trying to de-convert a nice Mormon girl. Go Matt. I'm sure they had some interesting "discourse" He is wearing a big Scarlet Letter of Atheism t-shirt. In fact a couple of people were. I want one. I don't suppose Richard Dawkins would send me one would he?
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