Saturday, July 19, 2008

Time: A big ball of wibley wobley timey timey... stuff

So here we are back to the week of July 14 (high fives to those of you who get the title reference). It's been a busy week here at Pez Ran central. Our older dog Lila has a foot injury from her fence climbing adventures and our poor puppy Lucy has been sick for 3 days, throwing up. Two trips to the vet and $500 later, both dogs are doing better. Lucy had Parvo or so they tell me and needed intravenous fluids and anti-barf medicine. Lila has an ulcer on her toe from repeated licking and she had her nether regions "expressed". I'm glad "expressing" is not a required health maintenance for humans because it doesn't really sound pleasant. Both dogs are on meds and they seem to enjoy getting their medicine inside yummy pill pockets. Actually, Lucy is enjoys this a lot more than Lila does and tries to steal Lila's share.

And now... "Your Phoenix Mercuryyyyyyyyyyy"

Thursday night we went to watch the Phoenix Mercury SQUASH the LA Sparks. It was a very exciting game and there was lots of in between entertainment. Hip hop dancing and dogie racing and lots of interesting looking people of all persuasions and "orientations" ( wink ,wink nudge, nudge).

Sierra brought her friend Zayda and they had a great time watching the game and all the action.

" We went to an Atheist Party"

On Sunday we attended our very first Atheist "Meet up". A "Meet Up" is a way for people of like minds to get together with other people of similar interests. They have groups all over the world sharing hundreds of interests. We got together with like minded people to attend a fund-raiser pool party in Chandler. We're raising funds to erect "Imagine No Religion" billboards near the Arizona Captial. The billboards are partially sponsored by the Freedom from Religion Foundation, an organization that fights to keep church and state separate and keep religion out of public school. Rock on!

It turned out the pool party was lots of fun and Sierra and her friend Jenna had to call all their friends to let them know we went to an "Atheist Party" The conversations with their friends usually started with " Do you believe in god?" and then " Guess what! We went to an Atheist party and Atheists have the best pools!" We'll see how popular the Rankins are with the other parents when school starts I'm sure. See if you can spot Devin and I seated at the pool side bar.

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