Thursday, April 9, 2009

So I finished reading “Turn Coat” the new Harry Dresden book by Jim Butcher. It follows the same pattern as the others. Harry takes on a task that he really does not want but must do it because it is the right thing to do. He takes his mid book beating and his end of the book beating. But it is still a good ride with good character development. The world becomes darker and his relationship with his brother is changed. Mouse becomes more human like. Harry gains a new weapon in the fight against evil. Murphy feels useless and you can see the thought process that will someday lead her to take up one of the swords. We meet a new character that may be the right person for the other sword. Molly struggles to find the line between good and evil and how hard it is to not do something you know is wrong, but might lead to a good outcome. A character sacrifices himself for the greater good and peace. Injin Joe takes on a Skinwalker. Good stuff. One mystery solved, but others remain.


Shannon said...

Those books are so addictive that I haven't started it yet! :)

Autumn said...

I still need to start this series. All these books that you sent just screaming to be read! Have you ever gone through a year or two in your life where reading just didn't sound fun? That's kind of where I've been at for a long time - I wonder how I get back into reading??