Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Steve and Bobby

Wow, it’s been a while since we blogged.

We went on a cruise with Barenaked Ladies the first week in February. We saw lots of live music. Shannon got her photo taken with Steve Page. We listened to Gaelic Storm while sitting in a hot tub just after sun set. When it got dark, we saw the space station go by over head. We visited an ancient Mayan city, learned all about Key West, and just had a wonderful time.

But during the cruise, and especially after it, there were lots of rumors that the band just didn’t seem the same. That something was wrong. We didn’t really see anything like that. We went to the first of 3 shows and thought it was great. Steve’s voice was great and the band was kidding around with each other and seemed to be having a good time.

It all kind of started last year when Steve left his wife and had his girlfriend along on the cruise. Lots of people thought she was rude and many people didn’t care for her. But that may have only been jealousy. They wished they were the ones on Steve’s arm.

This is the same girlfriend that Steve got arrested with in his cocaine bust.

She was back this year and again there were people complaining that she was rude to them and stuff. Some people thought they saw some disgusted looks from the band members when the girlfriend showed up at shows. I guess she tried to kick some people out of their front row seats during one of the shows so that she and her friends could sit together. But what ever.

So today I learned that Steve has quit Barenaked Ladies. Not really a shock. But very sad. The band will not be the same without his voice.

Maybe a few years from now they can have a reunion cruise. Or more likely Steve will just come along and sing a few songs with the band the way that Andy Creeggan (former keyboard player) does now.

Last night I was watching the President’s speech. It’s so nice to have a President that seems to really understand things and can talk. Who understands the value of science.

Then it was time for the Republican response. LA Governor Bobby Jindal, the exorcist, was the one they picked to talk. And what did he have to say. Why, he attacked science of course. He thinks there is wasteful spending in the many trillion dollar package. What does he pick on? $140 million for volcano monitoring. Once again the Republican message is that science spending is wasteful. I’ll bet if you live in Washington State or Hawaii or anyplace near Yellowstone you don’t think it is a waste of money to keep an eye on volcanoes. But the Exorcist just can’t see any value in that. I’ll bet he would scream if they cut money to hurricane monitoring. I’ll bet we spend more money monitoring hurricanes than the $140 million volcano project costs. One weather satellite alone costs more than that. But he does not see the larger picture. All he sees is that money is being spent on science. Science that might contradict his view of a 6000 year old God created earth.

Anyway, that is the stuff that is on my mind today.

1 comment:

Blue Avenger said...

I know what you mean. I think that there are very few politicians who understand science or appreciate scientific research.